Thursday, 7 October 2010

Riots at Freshers Party

Many areas of the Shrewsbury 6th Form Freshers party resembled the fracture clinic at
the hospital; it was unclear if the inability to walk normally was the result of 10 apple sours on the way to the Severn Cellars or the crippling high heels most of the 6th form females were wearing.

If you were to rate the Cellars as a venue for loud bands on the basis of history, setting, sound, character, comfort, atmosphere, view, vibrancy and uniqueness, the cellars would not come top for sound or view of the band.The video camera microphone gave up during White Riot, then the bass amp speaker blew up in the second half. But the need for 3 members of security to hold back the barriers following the first song tells its own story.

If youve got any photos of the crowd or the performance or the riot please send them to

Friday, 1 October 2010

Bagandan Radio Riots

More than a year has passed since the government-influenced Broadcasting Council summarily closed the popular Central Broadcasting Service, or CBS. The council closed the station in September 2009 as riots were erupting in response to the government's decision to block the traditional Baganda king from attending a youth celebration north of the capital, Kampala. Its continued closure bodes ill for independent news coverage of February's presidential election.

"They just broke in and took the transmitter," former CBS news editor Ndiwalana Kiwanuka told me. "We had only covered about two hours of the riots before we were closed." Kiwanuka believes the riots were a pretext to close the station.